About Me

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I'm a girl with too much to do and too little to share. I swim, learn, read, write and play music. Those songs that get stuck in your head in the mornings are from dreams I have the previous night. I love Relient K, coffee, pandas, and you! "Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." —Luke 15:7

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sitting in retrospect...

We don't live around this mess we live under it. -guy forsynth

What we idolize is what we are.
Tvs showing desperate housewives making love with salesmen and rich drunk teenagers waving guns at eachother.  Posers who sing about gangs and drugs and crimes and prostitutes who charge more than they're worth.  Anorexic models who eat breath mints and diet pills to look good in ugly clothes. Women who say makeup and money make you beautiful and millionaire athletes crave hotel hook ups with anyone but their wife.
Preteens who worship skanks and try to dress like a rich spoiled slut in hopes that someday, they too will hook up in a dark closet with a stoned stranger.  
Boys who play war, staring at little screens in their bedrooms, shooting down faceless Nazis. The ones who get their first taste of porn from their dropout drugged up brother and look at girls like things to bang.
Teenagers who borrow daddy's gun and take it to school to shoot innocents just for attention, justifying it because the dead are just related to monkeys. Couples spending themselves into oblivion, buying gas guzzling luxury SUVs and faster shinier boats.  40 year olds dyeing their hair and injecting plastic into their face so they can relive their prime.

This is America right now.

1 comment:

  1. I was begging you to post another blog for days. All in my head, of course. I don't think I ever actually asked.

    This was very depressing, though. True, and depressing.
